Increased Share Capital of Pillar Capital, AS
This week Pillar Capital, AS (the Company) increased its share capital registered in the Commercial Register on 9 Julyby EUR 19.9 million. The share capital is increased by EUR 19 869 766 by issuing 19 869 766 ordinary registered voting shares having face value of one share at EUR 1.
In accordance with Paragraph 11 of Section 250 of the Commercial Law, new shares are issued by including fully in the equity capital the positive difference between the own capital and the sum formed by the equity capital and reserves. New stock shall be divided pro rata the nominal value of the shares owned by them.
After the increase of equity capital the total equity capital of the Company amounts to EUR 135 186 885.
Along with that the amendments to the Articles of Association of the Company entered into force – about increase of the equity capital and the previously announced change of the name of the Company’s firm from New Hanza Capital, AS to Pillar Capital, AS.
Pillar Capital, AS is a company founded in 2006. The objectives of its operation include investing own and third party funds in commercial real estate objects to achieve sustainable increase in income from renting the premises and enlarging of the value of properties.