New Hanza Capital, AS Bought Own Bonds on Secondary Market
New Hanza Capital, AS has completed the transactions of planned buying from the bondholders on the secondary market the own issued bonds (issue series: NHC FXD EUR 161022, ISIN: LV0000802312) that are listed in Nasdaq Baltic Bond List.
As planned, in April 2020, New Hanza Capital, AS, bought bonds of face value of EUR 2.49 million on the secondary market by concluding separate transactions with bondholders who agreed to sell their bonds in accordance with the latest offer in Nasdaq Riga trading system.
The total amount of the issue of New Hanza Capital, AS bonds constitutes EUR 10 million. These bonds were included in the Nasdaq Baltic Bond List on 19 October 2017.
New Hanza Capital, AS is a company founded in 2006. The objectives of its operation include investing own and third party funds in commercial real estate objects to achieve sustainable increase in income from renting the premises and enlarging of the value of properties.